As a lover of import vehicles with style and speed, I've been a fan of your magazine since before I could drive. I'm from a part of the country where, back then, we had very little in the way of car culture. To be honest, aside from some beastly drag cars, we're still more of a truck culture around here. Your magazine was a window into a world I always wanted to be apart of. A place that I knew existed but just couldn't quite escape to.
Some twenty years later, still living in the bread basket of America, I'm still picking up issues of your magazine and dreaming. Though I'm older and more financially responsible these days, so I tell myself, I'm still pretty much just a spectator in the world of car building. While I love a good turnout at my local cars and coffee, and occasionally join my local VW enthusiast group for a monthly meal out, doing more than daily driving my car is still outside of my wheelhouse.
While builds still haven't become a huge part of my life, there is one part of your magazine that has truly resonated with me all of these years. The photographs. The images your photographers have created to share these incredible build stories with your fans are absolutely superb. It's hard to do these unique vehicles justice in just a handful of images, and yet your team manages to pull it off, time and time again. Your visual presence is where I first fell in love with your publication, and it's now where I dream to find myself within the automotive community.
In the last few years, I've focused my interest in car culture on documenting it. While I've still got much to learn, I'd love to share some photos with you of a local build that I think would be a perfect fit for your publication. (Heck, you've included a shot of his car in your events section in the past - so it's clearly up your alley.) It's a 1987 Volkswagen GTI, purchased 20 years ago by a high school freshman, that's been completely transformed.
Of all the car magazines out there, you are the one who introduced me to tuning style and culture. While I know your focus isn't primarily on European cars, I also know that you've included some truly exceptional European builds in the past. I ask that you consider this one for your magazine, and that you review the private gallery I've passed on to your editor. It would be a dream come true to see my friend's build in the pages of your publication - especially if it were my photos used to share it with your fans.
Update: They accepted my request and gallery! The feature was released in the special Euro issue, in July of 2019. You can see the story and photos on their site!